Manufacturers’ Guide Helps in Getting Rust Free CI Castings Back

Earlier, cast iron or CI castings are made by manufacturers mainly for domestic purposes. They generally manufactured CI cookware, which is used by generation to generation within several families. Thanks to its durability! However, CI castings are prone to rust and need proper maintenance. Here world’ leading CI casting manufacturers will share some tips to help people in maintaining their CI casting components and getting the old shine back after removal of developed rust.

Ci casting

There are different methods used by individuals to clean the CI casting. It depends on the severity of the rust that tends you to use different techniques to clear the rusty layer completely. Some CI casting manufacturers advise to season cast iron components to rescue the long-lasting coat.

First and foremost step to make CI component shine is to “reset” the cast iron part. You can use some vinegar (white) with water and abrasive scrubber for the same. Make sure that the quantity of water and vinegar should be equal. Soak the component in the solution for minimum one hour (rest depends on the affected area). Then scrub the component to shed rusty layer from it. Some CI Casting suppliers suggest cooper pad for scrubbing purposes; however, you can also try salt scrub method to make your CI casting shine.

Another method that one can use at home is “baking the rust”. Well, don’t get confused with this term! We actually want to ask you to use “baking powder” that is easily available at general store. You can soak your CI casting component or skillet in warm water. After 30-60 minutes, take them out and coat them with a layer of baking powder.

Let it set for few minutes and then start rubbing it with a nylon brush (non-metallic). This is how baking soda removes all rust from the cast iron and makes it shinier.

Note- You can season it with oil after cleaning the corroded layer.

Categorized as Casting